Can I update my will online in Florida?

will online in Florida

Living in Florida, whether soaking up the sun on the Beach or enjoying city life in Ocala, comes with its own set of unique considerations. One crucial aspect? Estate planning. Ensuring your wishes are followed after you're gone is essential, and that's where a valid will comes in. But what if life throws a curveball and you need to update your will? Does Florida, known for its laid-back lifestyle, embrace the digital convenience of online will updates?

The answer, like many things in law, isn't a simple yes or no. While Florida does allow online will creation and updates, there are important legal hoops to jump through. This blog post dives into the world of online Florida wills, guiding you through the pros, cons, and legalities involved. By the end, you'll be well-equipped to decide if the convenience of online platforms like suits your needs, or if seeking professional guidance is the wiser choice.

I. Understanding Florida's Electronic Wills Act:

Florida, with its sun-kissed beaches and vibrant cities, is also making waves in the realm of estate planning by embracing the digital age. The state's Electronic Wills Act, enacted in 2020, paves the way for creating and updating wills entirely online, offering convenience and accessibility for tech-savvy residents. But before you set sail on this digital journey, it's essential to understand the key requirements outlined in the Act.

Think of it like setting sail with a trusty map and compass:

  • Witnesses Ahoy!: Just like a traditional paper will, your online will need two witnesses to be valid. However, the twist is that they can virtually witness the signing through a secure video call platform, eliminating the need for physical presence.

  • Notarization Needed: To ensure authenticity and prevent fraud, your online will also requires notarization. But fret not, Florida allows remote online notarization (RON) through a licensed e-notary. So, no need to hunt for a physical notary public!

  • Technology as Your Shipmate: To create and store your online will, you'll need to use a qualified electronic custodian. These are companies or organizations authorized by the state to ensure the security and integrity of your digital will. Platforms like are prime examples of such qualified custodians, offering user-friendly interfaces and secure storage for your digital will.

II. Florida Wills Online: Convenience with a Dose of Caution

While online will creation offers undeniable convenience and affordability, it's crucial to approach it with a healthy dose of caution. Not all situations are well-suited for online wills. If your estate is complex, involves blended families, or has other intricate details, consulting an experienced attorney might be the wiser course.

Remember, your will is a crucial document that dictates the distribution of your assets after you're gone. While online platforms like provide a streamlined and cost-effective way to create and update your will in Florida, ensure it aligns with your specific needs and circumstances. Don't hesitate to seek professional legal guidance if needed to ensure your wishes are clearly and accurately represented.

Pros and Cons of Online Will Updates:


  • Convenience: Update your will anytime, anywhere with internet access. No need to schedule appointments or visit lawyers' offices, especially convenient for busy individuals or those living in remote areas.

  • Affordability: Often significantly cheaper than hiring an attorney for will updates. Online platforms typically offer tiered pricing based on complexity, making them a cost-effective solution for basic estate plans.

  • Accessibility: Easy to use for tech-savvy individuals with user-friendly interfaces and step-by-step guidance. The platforms often provide clear instructions and online support in case of any difficulties.

  • Reduced Time Investment: Can complete the entire process of updating your will online in a shorter timeframe compared to traditional methods involving lawyer consultations and paperwork.

  • Potential Privacy Enhancement: Some platforms offer secure online storage for your will, potentially reducing the risk of physical document loss or unauthorized access.


While online will updates offer tempting convenience and affordability, navigating the legal waters can be tricky. Here are some potential cons to consider before setting sail with a digital will:

Icebergs of Invalidity:

  • Improper Execution: The absence of proper witnesses, notarization, or adherence to Florida's Electronic Wills Act requirements can render your online will invalid, potentially causing legal battles and delays for your loved ones.

  • Technical Glitches: Technology malfunction or platform-specific errors during the creation or update process could jeopardize the validity of your will.

Limited Cargo Capacity:

  • Complex Cargo Hold: Online platforms may not be equipped to handle intricate estate plans involving trusts, blended families, or foreign assets. Attempting to navigate these complexities without legal guidance could lead to unintended consequences.

  • One-Size-Fits-All Approach: Most platforms offer standardized templates and limited customization options. If your situation requires specific clauses or tailored language, an attorney can ensure your wishes are clearly and accurately reflected.

Sailing Solo:

  • No Captain at the Helm: Unlike an attorney who can provide personalized guidance and answer your questions, online platforms offer limited support. You'll be navigating potentially complex legal matters on your own.

  • Unseen Reefs of Uncertainty: If legal questions arise or your situation changes significantly, you might find yourself navigating legal uncertainties without expert advice.

Remember, choosing the right approach depends on your individual circumstances. For straightforward updates, online platforms can be a convenient and cost-effective solution. However, if your estate is complex, your needs are specific, or legal uncertainties linger, consulting an experienced attorney can ensure your peace of mind and the smooth execution of your wishes.

IV. When Consulting an Attorney is Essential:

Florida's online will update options offer convenience, but sometimes, sailing solo isn't the wisest course. Consulting an experienced attorney becomes your guiding star in situations where legal complexities arise, ensuring your wishes are accurately reflected and your loved ones are protected.

Charting Uncertain Waters:

  • Complex Estate Cargo: If your estate involves valuable assets, multiple beneficiaries, trusts, or business ownership, the intricacies can easily overwhelm online platforms. An attorney can tailor your will to your specific needs, ensuring smooth administration and minimizing legal challenges.

  • Blended Family Reefs: Navigating the distribution of assets in blended families or with non-biological children requires expert legal knowledge to ensure everyone's rights are protected and potential inheritance disputes are avoided.

  • Foreign Asset Islands: Owning property or assets abroad adds another layer of complexity to your estate plan. An attorney with expertise in international estate law can ensure your wishes are executed according to the laws of different countries.

  • Taxation Tides: Optimizing your will for tax efficiency can save your loved ones significant amounts. An attorney can navigate the complex tax laws and structure your will to minimize the tax burden.

  • Medical Directives and Powers of Attorney: Combining your will with other crucial documents like medical directives and powers of attorney requires legal expertise to ensure seamless coordination and avoid inconsistencies.

The Captain's Expertise:

  • Unveiling Legal Landmines: Attorneys possess in-depth knowledge of estate law and can anticipate potential legal issues lurking beneath the surface, protecting you from unintended consequences.

  • Tailored Navigation: They can personalize your will to your unique circumstances, ensuring your specific wishes and intentions are clearly and accurately reflected.

  • Confidence and Peace of Mind: Having an attorney guide you through the process can alleviate stress and uncertainties, offering you peace of mind knowing your legacy is secure.

Alternative Approaches:

  • Attorney Review: Even if you create your will online, consider seeking an attorney's review to ensure its validity, adherence to legal requirements, and alignment with your specific needs.

  • Hybrid Approach: For some, starting with an online platform for basic updates and then consulting an attorney for complex aspects can be a cost-effective solution.

Remember, choosing the right approach depends on your unique circumstances. Don't hesitate to seek legal guidance if your situation falls into any of the categories mentioned above, or if you simply want the security and peace of mind that comes with an attorney's expertise.

V. Conclusion:

Seek a lawyer's help for complex situations and peace of mind. Choose what makes you feel comfortable, and remember, a good will means a smooth journey for your legacy! 

Florida's sunny skies extend to estate planning with online will updates! can be your trusted navigator, offering convenience and affordability for basic will updates. But remember, like any voyage, smooth sailing requires caution.

Remember, your will is your legacy's map. Make informed decisions by considering your needs and seeking guidance when needed.

Set sail for a secure future with! Use it for convenient updates, or combine it with legal guidance for complex situations. Explore their website for more information and resources to navigate Florida's estate planning landscape with confidence.


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