
Showing posts with the label who holds wendy william's guardianship

Wendy Williams' Guardianship and Florida Probate Law

The concept of guardianship Guardianship is when a court chooses someone to make decisions for a person who can't make decisions for themselves. This can be due to various reasons, such as mental incapacity, physical disability, or advanced age. The guardian is responsible for caring for the person they are in charge of, known as the ward. Courts set up guardianships to help people who can't make decisions about their care, money, or legal issues. These individuals are often vulnerable and need protection. Guardians are put in place to ensure that these individuals are taken care of properly. They should safeguard their well-being and interests. Guardians have many responsibilities, such as managing the ward's money, making healthcare choices, and overseeing where they live. The process of obtaining guardianship involves a legal proceeding, where the court evaluates the individual's capacity and determines whether guardianship is necessary. The court can select a guardi