
Showing posts with the label trusts and will Estate planning attorney Probate atorney ocala

From Confusion to Clarity: What Does Testate Means?

Estate planning involves some of the most significant decisions we make, with the creation of a will standing out among them. Navigating this process often exposes us to unfamiliar terms such as "testate."     Grasping its meaning is essential for successfully overseeing Comprehensive Estate Planning . So, let's find answers to critical questions like "What does testate mean?" How does it differ from "dying intestate"? Grasping these terms can make a world of difference in the realm of estate planning. What does Testate mean and how is it different from Intestate? The term "testate" comes from an area of law known as probate law. To put it simply, "testate" refers to the situation when a person dies leaving a legal will. In contrast "testate" is "intestate, " which is used when someone dies without a legally valid will. A Testate Will directs how a person's estate or assets will be distributed after death, gi